Foreign investors have left the government and corporate bond markets of Italy and Spain in droves in the past year, and there is little evidence of the selling slowing down. 过去一年里,外国投资者纷纷撤离意大利和西班牙国债和公司债券市场,这种行为如今并没有多少减慢的迹象。
While the UK bond is a first for a national government, the Canadian province of British Columbia became the first foreign government entity to sell a dim sum bond in late 2013. 尽管英国政府是首个发行人民币债券的国家级政府,但加拿大的不列颠哥伦比亚省却是首个发行人民币债券的外国政府实体,该省于2013年底发行了点心债。